Monday, 22 October 2012

Ocean Currents

Ocean Currents are large masses of water, as river , which circulate through oceans. There are warm currents an cold currents.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Water cycle and Weather

Did you know that we're using the same water over and over again? The water on the earth today has been there for millions of years. It moves from the earth to the air and back to the earth again through a process called the water cycle.
When you lay a wet towel outside in the hot sun, the towel dries because of evaporation. Rivers, lakes and oceans lose water everyday because of evaporation. That water travels into the air as water vapor and becomes part of a cloud. Through condensation, the water vapor in clouds becomes a liquid (such as rain, snow or sleet) or precipitation. The water then comes back to the earth and the process begins all over again.
Not all precipitation falls into bodies of water. Some rain falls on the ground where it may seep through the soil through a process called percolation. The water eventually reaches underground streams and becomes part of the groundwater system.
The Water Cycle keeps water moving - from earth to air and back to earth.
The Water Cycle keeps water changing - from liquid (rain, river water, groundwater) to gas (water vapor) and even to solid (snow and sleet).
We need to keep the water that we have free of contamination.

Task: Watch the video and read the text
after that make the task with the text and your book on page 25, explain:
  • How is the water cycle?
  • What is evaporation process?
  • What is condensation process?
  • What is the meaning of precipitation?
  • What is the meaning of percolation or infiltration process ?
Send me a e-mail with your answers

Monday, 15 October 2012

How does relief shape our planet?

En nuestro planeta hay un proceso continuo de formación de terreno y de destruccción del mismo, este proceso se inicia con la desigual distribución de los materiales que forman las diferentes capas del planeta tierra, que puedes encontrar en esta presentación interactiva:
Vamos a sugerirte diversas páginas donde puedes encontrar más información en Inglés y en Español.

GeoTopics: Plate tectonics

Plate Tectonics

, animación sobre los movimientos de las placas

Earthquakes, incluye vídeo

Formation of Fold Mountains , incluye vídeo


Task:Define and explain the following words:
  • Plate Tectonics
  •  How are fold mountains formed?
  •  Structure of the earth 
  • Causes of Earthquakes
  •  Continental Drift

World´s highest watwrfall: Angel Falls

Sunday, 14 October 2012

The structure of the Earth

The earth — think it's solid as a rock?

Our planet might seem fixed and rigid, but a closer look reveals that it is constantly shifting under our feet. Delve into the earth's interior, learn about its tectonic plates and their movements, and discover how mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are formed.

Start your exploration with Earth's Structure.

You can see the video with Vimeo

3. Structure of the Earth from Wil Brousard on Vimeo.
Task : Make a Summary of the vídeo and the link. Send me a e-mail with it

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Work with the Times Zones

Homework with the Times Zones

Abre la lamina del Mundo sobre husos horarios, y calcula la hora que es en los lugares que aparecen allí señalados si en España son las 2 de la tarde:


Esta organización teórica del tiempo se adapta a la realidad de cada país, organizándose la hora en los mismos, por intereses económicos, proximidad cultural,.. como puedes apreciar en este mapa con la hora de cada zona:

¿Cuál es la máxima diferencia horaria entre los países de la Unión Europea?

¿Cuál es la Máxima diferencia horaria entre los países de Latinoamérica?

Cuando tengas toda esta información y sepas que hora es en cada lugar  toma nota en tu cuaderno o envíame envíame un correo con ella.

You need use this link to know the correct hours in every place.