Friday 10 January 2020

Vocabulary. Unit 4

Weather: It refers to the state of the atmosphere in a place at a specific time.
Climate: It refers to the state of the atmosphere in a place over a long period of time.
Weather station: The place where it studies the weather and climate.
Axis: It is the point where the Earth rotates.
Orbits: It is the way that follows the Earth in her revolution around the Sun.
Cold zone: It is the zone whithin the polar circle. In this area, the temperatures are always cold.
Latitude: It consists that the areas near the Equator rain more than the other areas.
Altitude:It consists that it rains more in high areas than in low areas.
Inland climates: It is a climate which is much hotter in summer and much colder in winter.
Humidity: It is amount of water vapor in the air.
Anticyclones: It is areas with a high pressure.
Depressions: It is areas with a low pressure.
Anticlockwise: It is the opposite sense to the clock wise.
Average temperature: It is the average of the temperatures in an area.
Maximum temperature: It is the highest temperature of an area.
Minimum temperature: It is the lowest temperature in an area.
Jet Stream: It is a wind that blows from east to west and it is found in the temperate zones.
Global wind patterns: It is the group of every winds on the Earth.
Doldrums: It is a place where the wind don't blow
Sea breeze: It is a type of synoptic winds which is blowing from the sea towards the land by day.
Rotation: It is when the Earth spins on a imaginary straight line called axis.
Revolution around the Sun: It is the movement of the Earth around the Sun. That produces the year and the seasons.
Equinoxes: It is the moment that mark the beginning of Autumn and spring
Solstices: It is the moment that mark the beginning of winter and summer.
Thermometer: It is the tool necessary to measured the temperature.
Hot zone:It is the zone where the Sun's rays reach the earth in perpendicular angle all year round, so temperatures are always high.
Temperate zone: It is the zone between the tropics and polar circle. In this area the temperatures are temperate.
Precipitation:It is droplets that fall on the Earth's surface.
Convectional rain: This is a type of rainfall characteristic of hot climates.
Orographic/ Relief rain: This is a type of rainfall characteristic of mountains regions.
Frontal rain: This is a type of rainfall takes place at the boundary, between a mass of warm air and a mass of cold air.
Front: It is the boundary between different air masses.
Atmospheric pressure: It is the force exerted at a specific point on the Earth´s surface by the weight of the air above it.
Prevailing winds: These winds always blow in the same direction.
Periodic winds: These winds change direction seasonally.
Seasons:Different moments around the year when temperatures and rainfalls change. It are produced with the orbit of the Earth.
Synoptic winds: These winds change daily.
Trade wind: These are winds influenced by the surrounding geography.
Water vapor: It is the water evaporated.
Land breeze: It is a type of breeze given in the land.

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