Friday 8 May 2020

Vocabulario tema 8

Paleolithic Age
It is a Prehistoric Ages. It extends from the emergence of our firs Antecessor to about 11000 years ago.
Neolithic Age
It is a Prehistoric Ages.  It began about 11000 tears ago. Groups of human beings started to live in villages.  They practised agriculture and raised cattle.
Metal Age
It is a Prehistoric Ages. It began about 7000 years ago. Human beings learned to use metals to make objects.
Homo Habilis
It is a Human species. These appeared two million years ago. Their brain was bigger. Their name habilis mans skilful. They made stone tools and lived from hunting and gathering.
Homo Erectus
It is a Human species. These appeared one and a half million years ago. They walked upright. This was the first species to live outside Africa. They lived in Europe and Asia. They discovered fire.
It was also found in Atapuerca. It is not King Arthur's sword. It is an extraordinary biface of beautiful red quartize.
It is when the people moved from one place to another in the Paleolithic Age.
Neolithic Revolution
Neolithic means new stone. Howeder it was not just the technology of stone instruments of stone instruments which was new. There were other important changes.
It is an object in the Metal Ages which greatly improved transport.
It is an object in the Metal Ages which made working the land easier and faster.
It was single long vertical stones. They were probably connected to the cult of the Sun.
Stone Circles
Its were wide circles formed by several menhirs. They probably had a religious function.
It is a Human species. These appeared about five million years ago. They wee very similar to chimpanzees. However the Australopithecus normally walked on two feet.
Homo Antecessor
It is a Human species. They were the oldest human remains in Europe, that  appeared in Atapuerca Spain. They are 8000000 years ago.
Homo Neanderthal
It is a Human species. They were a different specie who lived in Europe 150000 years ago. They were stronger than we are but shorter. They were the first species to bury their dead. It seems they were able to speak.
Homo Sapiens
It is a Human species. Our specie appeared in Africa about 130000 years ago. Homo sapiens were slimmer but taller than Neanderthals. They enjoyed greater intellectual development. They were able to make finer tools. They developed a more complex language the ability to interact whit other human beings and to cooperate. They also created art.
It is one of the most interesting and beautiful sites relating to human evolution. This archaeological site is near Burgos in the north of Spain. It was found accidentally in the nineteenth century when a trench for a mining train was being built. However the most important discoveries have been made very recently.
It is a prehistoric stone tool, made with two faces.
Palaeolithic Arte
It is a type of art, called cave art. About 35000 years ago human beings started decorating caves with paintings.
It is a Neolithic object. They used clay vessels to store cereal and bowls to eat and cook.
It is an object in the Metal Ages which meant that ships could be bigger because they used the force of the wind.
Neolithic monuments
They were monuments built with big blocks of stone in the last years of the Neolithic Age and during the Metal Ages. They  were called megaliths.
They were complex constructions. Vertical stones covered by horizontal blocks. They were used as burial places.
The ruins at Stonehenge are the remains of a stone circle. The enormous stones which form the outside circle weigh around 25 tons each. The stones inside are even bigger. Archaeologists believe that Stonehenge was built over 5000 years ago but they do not agree about its function. Most people thick it is connected to the cult of the Sun. However it could also be an astrological observatory.

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